open 24 hours
7 days a week
In an emergency call 000 first
Holmesglen Private 24/7 Emergency Department. Close to home. Minimal wait times. Be cared for sooner, with or without private health insurance.
As with all private emergency departments there are out-of-pocket costs associated with your treatment. At Holmesglen Private the out-of-pocket ED fee is $450. This fee needs to be paid on the day.
Depending on your treatment, you may also incur fees for radiology, pathology, pharmacy and specialist doctor consultation fees and a portion may be claimable under Medicare. If you need equipment or medical supplies you may also need to pay an out-of-pocket fee for these when you’re discharged.
If you return to the emergency department within 14 days with the same injury or illness we won’t charge you the ED fee.
Whether you have private health insurance, WorkCover, Veteran’s Affairs or are uninsured, you can be assessed and treated at our emergency department.
Emergency Department fees are not covered by private health insurance as per Private Health Insurance Act 2007. Private health insurance covers patients once admitted into hospital.
International patients who don’t have a Medicare care card will pay a higher out-of-pocket presentation fee on the day.
Any other out-of-pocket fees must be paid on the day.
When you arrive, the triage nurse will assess you and determine the severity of your illness or injury. A doctor will also assess you and decide on the best treatment; you will either be admitted into hospital or treated and sent home with a specialist referral or GP follow up.
We generally have shorter wait times than other emergency departments and you’ll be seen in order of medical urgency. Check wait times here.
We treat children and adults for most conditions. If you need ongoing treatment or surgery you may be admitted as an in-patient to Holmesglen Private Hospital or another appropriate hospital. Children needing to be admitted will be transferred to a hospital with a dedicated children’s ward.
Admission to the hospital is restricted for:
- Multi trauma
- Psychiatric conditions
- Major burns
- Acute stroke
- Obstetric emergencies
- Pregnancy over 20 weeks’ gestation
- General paediatrics
82.5% of our patients rated their treatment and care at Holmesglen Private Emergency Department as very good (Jan-Dec 2020).
We also achieved a Net Promoter Score (would recommend) of 79.2, in the same period. NPS scores between 70 and 100 are considered world-class.
The doctor services in our Emergency Department are supplied by a specialist emergency care provider which is a company independent of Holmesglen Private Hospital Pty Ltd and Holmesglen Private Hospital.
- 24-hour emergency medical care
- On call specialists and surgeons
- Rapid assessment and triage
- Resuscitation bay
- Intensive care unit
- Cardiac and chest pain services with immediate access to Catheter Laboratories
- Onsite radiology including X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT scan and nuclear medicine
- Pathology
- Pharmacy